About Our Service:

What is part of our service?

When a service is scheduled, we come to your home or place of business, evaluate the condition of infestation and begin working on the problem at hand. Any property can be treated, but due to the nature of the surrounding environment and the number of gopher tunnels, additional treatments may be required.

Treatments are based on a 7-foot radius. On the first, we 1st evaluate the infestation, locate the gopher tunnel(s), if blocked we open the tunnel and begin treatment. For residential owners the 1st visit is for $140.00. If additional services are requested our 2X service plan is available. Where we will come out 2 more times and treat for $150. That’s only $75.00 per visit.
Note: if you have a larger area that needs treatment, we can assess this when we arrive on site.
Additional treatments are $50.00 per 7 ft radius.
Contact us at sales@sdgophercontrol.com

Do you have a larger infestation needing additional attention? We can assist you with that at the same time. Additional treatments requested at the time we’re on site can be performed at a reduced rate $50.00. Additional treatments are done on a 7-foot radius.

We have you covered as well. But for business we increase the radius to 9ft. On the first, we 1st evaluate the infestation, locate the gopher tunnel(s), if blocked we open the tunnel and begin treatment. For business owners the 1st visit is $160.00. If additional services are requested our 2X service plan is available. Where we will come out 2 more times and treat for $170.00. That’s only $85.00 per visit.
Additional treatments requested at the time we’re on site can be performed at a reduced rate $50.00. Additional treatments are done on a 9-foot radius.

Do you have a treatment for getting rid of squirrels?

Yes we do! if you find them living under the foundation of your home or garage, we can help. Unlike other companies that treat for gophers we offer a solution that is safe around your home, family and pats.

We also do our best to eliminate the issue and perform treatment later in the day or evening when the squirrels are no longer foraging and are back in their dens. We service most of the San Diego and its incorporated communities. If you question your location, or any of our services please email us. We return every email.

Contact us at email sales@sdgophercontrol.com

What areas of San Diego do you service?

We service most of the San Diego and incorporated communities. We travel as far south as San Ysidro and as far north as oceanside. From the coast to the mountains of Julian and Pine Valley. If you question your location, please email us and we will contact you.

Contact us at email sales@sdgophercontrol.com

How do you treat the area so that it is safe for my family and pets?

We do not use any of the following – traps, propane, poison stakes in the treatment of your property. Our equipment pumps carbon monoxide into the gopher or squirrel den. The gas used is odorless and tasteless, so the gopher is unaware of the treatment. We pump at a rate of 21 pounds per square inch for approximately 5 minutes “minimum” into the gopher / squirrel tunnels. This kills the rodent in their tunnel so there is no need for animal removal. No need for traps, smoke bombs or other chemicals. By using this method your pets and family are safe from the use of chemical baits or traps that might go off when not attended. Also, the dead animal possesses no addition threat since the animal is already buried underground.

Contact us at email sales@sdgophercontrol.com

Will they be gone for good?

It all depends on your surrounding location. If you have gophers or squirrels now, chances are they can return. Most of the time this happens due to your location to vacant lots or nearby fields, or infestation from your next-door neighbor. If you and your neighbors are working at ridding your area of gophers, you will have better success. At best, you can work at slowing the infestation down. Many times, depending on the surrounding areas, you may get over 6 months of no activity. Every case is different.

GOOD NEWS! You can control the damage by treatment once you see a mound appear. Gophers will jump around, from tunnel to tunnel and wherever a food source is found. When you see a mound, treatment is needed. When caught early, better success of eradicating the problem. This is like any other infestation like bee’s or termites.

Can I get on a service plan to help in minimizing damage?

Yes, this service is available. This is most helpful for business or private homes growing grapes or fruit orchards or golf courses where gophers are taking over by killing your plants from the underground. If you attack the problem early, your plants and trees can recover. For those having a large infestation, we can set you up on a monthly or other service to help you in staying ahead of the problem.

Contact us at email sales@sdgophercontrol.com

How long are treatments good for?

This is hard to say due to so many variables. We have serviced infested residential yards and after treatment not seen a return for 8 months. If you live in the back country, or unincorporated areas of San Diego you might see 3 to 6 months without infestation. But don’t count on them going away. Gophers, moles and squirrels love fresh vegetation. So, if you’re growing or planting, then chances are you’re going to have return visitors. And if your neighbor is moving earth and disturbing their home, you are more than likely to have a new infestation.

What else can I do to save my plants or trees for gophers?

We recommend when planting larger plants or trees, you make the hole larger than the root ball. Get 1/4 inch or smaller diameter animal fence and line the hole with the fencing material. This helps in keeping the gophers away from the root ball of your plants. We do not recommend the use of chemicals or bombs as they could come in contact with your family pets or children.

There are some plants that gophers don’t like, but only works in close approximately.

Employee the use of cats. They are really good at helping control mice and rodents. They have the patience to sit over a hole for hours waiting for the first sign of activity. But they seem to have a hard time at stay ahead of the gopher population.

What does it cost?

Our services for residential homeowners start as low as $75.00 per visit when you sign up for our X2 service plan after we have performed the first visit evaluation and service. Price covers travel time to your location and the treatment of ( 7 ft radius of a tunnel residential ). If you are in need of additional treatments during our visit, an additional $50.00 per tunnel is charged (based on off another 7ft radius).

Business we offer the same type of service but the radius has been increases to 9ft and the cost starts as low as $85.00 per visit when you sign up for our X2 service plan after completion of the 1st evaluation and service of $160.00.

If you have a larger area needing treatment, please fill out our contact form and we will contact you about your needs and how we can help. For larger areas we offer pricing to accommodate large area treatment.

Contact us at email sales@sdgophercontrol.com

Still have some questions? If so, please go ahead and drop us a quick note using the contact form below. One of the staff members will contact you shortly.